RumChata + A&W RootBeer
Hey guys I came up with this all on my own!! Jk my sister made it up, but she probably didn't, this CAN'T be that unique. Anyways, this is an alcoholic root beer float... and it rocks.

Shout out to whoever took this picture, you should really make a career out of this
There are so many options with this kind of a cocktail, mostly it depends on how big your sweet tooth is and whether you are trying to thoroughly enjoy your float or enjoy the alcohol inside of it. With that being said, here are your options:
Rum Chata: This is a rum based cream liqueur
Not Your Father's Root Beer: This "root beer" has an alcohol content of 5.9%
A&W Root Beer: You just win this is the best root beer on the planet
French Vanilla Ice Cream: Any kind anywhere ever
SnoBar: Brandy Alexander alcohol infused ice cream...yeah WHAT
The guys in this pic threw some chocolate sauce on it so have a party and do what makes you happy!
Happy Tuesday Babes!!
Katie Brown
Posted on October 04 2016